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Hiring a dedicated team

The world has been impacted by the global pandemic and companies have been forced to operate remotely or adapt their systems to accommodate outsourced solutions. Almost every profession has to work online and this creates a vast and complex challenge for many IT professionals. The level of challenges faced by companies can be seen as directly related to their level of IT know-how. Companies without such adequate IT skills and expertise are therefore bound to outsource their IT problems. This in itself obviously creates some doubts which must be clarified.
The right thing to do is some due diligence on the service provider. You can start by considering these:

Is it a person or a company?
Individual contractors such as freelancers can be unpredictable and mostly work at their own pace. They might get sick, become unreachable, or just go offline without a trace especially if they were paid in advance.
On the other side of the same coin, a company can’t disappear in one day. Even if one employee quits or is unavailable, the company will assign the given task to another specialist.
Most IT companies have the manpower to offer 24/7 monitoring & support, which means you no longer need to worry about your system crashing down or getting too much load. A tech company will always have enough experts around to quickly resolve complex issues that might come up.

When choosing a support team:

  • Check how long the company has been in operation. The longer the company has been in the IT industry, the more secured and adequate their systems will be.
  •  Look at their reviews within the industry online (eg. web design or web hosting forums).

How experienced is the company?
The benefits of contracting a company for IT Services goes beyond availability.
A skilled outsourced support provider will be able to advise your company on the best practices / procedures in the industry based on their experience in managing hundreds of other clients. Which brings us to the question about experience.
If the chosen IT support company has many years of experience within your industry, you’ll gain access to time-tested insights into how best to organise or run your business. the IT support team will probably tell you what works best based on real world examples.

So, when choosing an IT Company:

  • Look at how long this company has been operating.
  • Search for a company that has specific expertise in your area of business.
  • Ask for a consultation meeting on how to resolve your business problems. If you get insightful, practical advice, you know you are in the right place.

What are the qualifications of the team?
Most companies provide extensive documentation to resolve day-to-day IT issues if it’s something that they can’t handle remotely. All these have good documentation but no amount of documentation can cover all possible issues.
Sometimes, suggested solutions may not work and a technician may have to be sent to the location. That is why you need expert support engineers who have more than a superficial knowledge about your business or technology needs.

You need your IT support technician to be a Computer Science Engineer, who can dive into a problem and resolve the issue with or without documentation.

When choosing a dedicated support team:

  • Always inquire if the technicians are certified Computer Science Engineers.
  • Request work experience, resume or recommendation.
  • Request a free consultation to evaluate the knowledge of the team before you hire them.
  • Understand / agree with their work ethics and accountability.

Having a dedicated IT staff or team is very beneficial but most importantly the skill-set that they have developed over multiple years. Ultiro usually has highly trained and experienced personnel who have the know-how to distinguish good from bad practices. This is especially important for functions relating to cyber security where relying on outdated security protocols and network security methods are no longer an option.

Having a trained staff can implement the latest data protection protocols or check-points, such as multi-factor authentication and cloud security, which can provide your firm with sufficient advanced security.

Skills are also relevant for managing cloud solutions, especially if you are looking for a low-cost platform for organising all of your sensitive business data.

Ultiro can help with:

  • Managing IT Services
  • Speed up Development & Performance
  • Ensure Compliance
  • Cyber Security
  • Protect & Backup Data
  • Applications and software

For your company to ensure that your IT resources are being utilised efficiently and fully optimised, you will need a specialist or department that is capable of solving problems through effective solutions, something which is impossible for non-IT staff to pull off especially if it is time sensitive. IT software and hardware can present serious challenges during installation or if the proper load balancing is not properly managed, hence leading to a stressed out IT activities. A trained IT staff member can look into the problem, analyse the extent of it, and ensure it is fixed in no time.

A company that has an effective IT strategy in place understands that it is critical to lay a foundation through which your business can find the stepping stone it needs to reach short and long-term objectives. A focused IT support team will be more proficient in understanding the complex nature, opportunities, and threats within the industry and set up a plan of action that can secure a future for your business especially with the increasing number of internet and cyber threats.

We know for a fact that making the right IT choices can be difficult especially for someone who does not have any background information on how the IT systems or infrastructure works.

The good news is that that’s where many outsource service providers come in. Ultiro has the talent, expertise and skill-set necessary to help you make IT choices that are practical, efficient and reliable when it matters most.

The nature of work and business needs keep changing as technology and basic demands increase. Today, the workplace spans about five generations and all from digital natives, to people with less skills in modern technology.

How can you then provide a modern workplace that makes all people feel included, engaged, savvy and productive?

No two people are the same, neither are organisations that all have their own unique needs and ambitions. As people build organisations, it’s more important than ever to enable a workplace where people can collaborate, communicate and reach their personal ambitions in a secure, mobile and flexible way. However, a successful company will always know when to call for help.

A dedicated IT support team that has skills or expertise can go a long way to help your company. An outsourced support model is where the support provider assigns an expert (or team) exclusively to your company to meet your development or operational goals. Today we’ve seen how companies can benefit from using a dedicated IT support model, and what you need to look for when selecting a team.