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Asseco Poland, The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

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Business Consulting



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Asseco Poland, The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)

The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) has joined the project of the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information System. EESSI is an IT system designed to speed up and facilitate the exchange of information between social
security institutions in all EU Member Countries, through the introduction of standard electronic documents exchanged within a common secure network.

The lack of resources within the customer’s team, that would be sufficient to ensure developing software on time, dedicated to the needs of ZUS and the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information System (EESSI) project.

Providing a 6-person development team – working in a remote model. Following the verification of work organisation, establishing project backlog, and communication channels, the team developed the EDA module (EESSI Domestic Application – AKE – Aplikacja Krajowa EESSI) integrating the European RINA system with internal ZUS applications that manage pensions and allowances.

The system was within the set deadlines.

Success Stories

Ultiro-eversoft portfolio_zus_Software Development Tech Partner_Portfolio - case studies


Providing a 6-person development team – working in a remote model. Following the verification of work organisation, establishing project backlog

Ultiro-eversoft portfolio_kinly_Software Development Tech Partner_Portfolio - case studies


Providing assets, creating application within the established timeframe

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